Greetings! (From the other side of the world)
Hi everyone! (How's life? - I dare not steal this from recruit Low Qing Xiang :) )
It has been a such long time since I've seen most of you! I miss (and reminisce) the times we had together; the times I had in NJC were some of the best in my life. Looking back, even though I've only been at NJC for only 6 months, they were some of the most fun, most lame (that's you, qingxiang!), most eventful/interesting (from run-ins with Mrs Soh for not handing in homework, to bugging Ms Teo with physics questions) times: Right now, in a university, comparatively speaking, those times were THE times. And before I forget:

A (very) dorky photograph of me.
And no, Recruit QX, I'm not trying to prove Phytagoras' theorem is wrong using L-P spaces (even though, it has been proven that Phytagoras' identity need not necessarily be correct in non-metric spaces, whatever those are). Just a small piece of advice: To those people who want to become mathematics majors: If you're not comfortable with the logic of proofs (or just memorizing them), don't become a mathematics major; you'll suffer...
Well, at any rate, it was a fun time with you guys; I'm just curious as to what's next... The guys are in the army, and the girls are working (and soon, going to be in school). This fish is indeed going places: I'm highly certain that all of you will do well, wherever all of you go; after all, you all survived countless hours of Virginia Cheng (I hear too, from my younger brother that the school logo was recently vandalized! Goodness.) So, without further ado, I bid (you all) (all) the best!
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