14 days in Tekong !
Day 1
Frm e moment I saw e other enlistees, I realized tt I hav brough too many things already. Everyone is carrying 1 or e most 2 bags but I m carrying 3 lor ! 1 for my clothing n first aid, another for washing powder n soap stuff, last but nt least a whole bag of FOOD !!! After e oath ceremony, we were issued with even more stuffs! A Turffer bag( a Huge black bag tt is e size of my 3 bags in combined) a green field bag n a pair of boots n running shoes in boxes. Like climbing a mountain, I made it all in a single trip to my bunk at e 3rd floor ! I oso forgot how I managed to do it.
den goes the haircut! On e day of enlistment, I do believe I hav e shortest hair ard as I hav juz cut e day b4. but still everyone has to go 4 e haircut so we went. “u” , “me?”, “yes u” e auntie said while pointing at my directn. “u go back lah, no hair alr still want to cut ?!” I saved my $2 =)
next is e food inside. They served a lot! Rice+2 meat +2 veg+ soup+ desert+ drinks+ muz finished in 15mins! There r breakfast, lunch, dinner n nite snacks( for e 1st 2 wks onli).
E nite snacks on e 1st day is unforgettable! It is chicken pie with chess layer !!!!!! once in e whole BMT I think.
At nite, u can hear plane flying over every 10-15 mins n sometimes dogs barking!
stay tuned for Day 2
recuit wangyi
Password invasion
Hey, some idiot changed our password i changed back already. So.. bek you can blog already. Its the old password now. =) Oh, lets have class outing?
This Fish Is Going Places
Oh ya forgot to tell u all its me recruit QX Low who just posted that new post. Hope u all enjoy it!
Recruit Qx signing off
This Fish Is Going Places
Hows life ? Are all of you all doing fine?
Hmm, I am so bored ya, well I have been thinking a lot about life ya so just wanted to share with u all some stuff! But its kinda crapy hope u all dun mind.
Well, I think everyone's life is just like running on a 400 m track. On the very day we were born, we started on the same start line. Then, we started going to school, trying our best no matter whether it is for academic or non we really wonder why are we working so hard, trying to do well in school, land a good job, then earn money. Why are we trying to run more rounds than other people? Some-academic pursuits. We just seem to be trying to run as many rounds around the track, trying to win others. Some manage to run more and do better in life. Hmm sometimes, argue that its for a better life. Some say if we run more now and we are ahead of others, we can lead a better life, cauz we can rest for much longer and stop running, while the other slower ones must still continue slogging. However, I realise things do not really work this way. Many atimes, when people start to earn more, they want to do even better in their career and earn more money. In other words, they want to run faster and harder to cover even more rounds. However, I realise ultimately at the end of the day we all reached the same finishing line on the 400 m and leave this beautiful world. And probably when that day comes, we reflect on our life, we realise that we have been working so hard in life that we miss out a lot more important things in life.
Well, I believe that in life most importantly is we must learn to treasure our family and friends and stay healthy and happy. Whats the use of being very successful when we arent even happy or healthy, when we dun even have close friends. So to my dear classmates, lets treasure our friendship, I really think its fate that we all met. Hmm more importantly, I hope all of you will stay happy and HEALTHY. I also wish that all of you will do well in your career too. Hmm I hope I aint discouraging u guys to work hard. But, just wanted to share with u all some other very important aspects in life.
take care =)
Off to further things..
Su says..Hey people! Oh mann.. finally we are really, truly done with Junior College. Goodbye NJC~!! Wow. When i just look back at the 2 years.. the amount of stuff thats happened. 04S01.. Haha/.. the Endless hours in tutorials and lectures.. just sitting down/ sleeping/makiing noise etc etc. And now, we move on la yeah? . " THIS fish is going places" . Do you know why? Cause last time we named a few ppl in class after parts of a fish's body [eg: lips, eyes, hair, brain.. there was even attitude]. Although not the entire class were given titles formally, im sure we could all just represent one part each? So yeah.. each going off in seperate direction, with mainly a CHUNK heading to NUS. Keep in touch via here yeah? keep posting.. words, stories, LAME JOKES [hmm..who would do that?], photos, etc. Oh and do email the others and LET THEM KNOW THIS BLOG EXISTS!! 
This pic was taken at my place during Bliss's and Andy's visit to see my show sometime abt 18th Feb. This was the next morning, after only 3 hours of sleep [which is why we look quite crappy]. Yee Kiat stayed over too. He came to the perfomance venue to meet us after the show and we went to a Mamak store to eat, and then just chilled till 3 plus.
Quite obviously, this was at Venezia, 6th Ave. And there is a freaking STRaw! blocking my face.. ANDREW! did you do that on purpose? Well okay...this was right after we took our results. Seriously.. i was really tired and didnt quite care for my results. Nothing i can do abt it anyway. Nice seeing Stanley n Kexin still .. able to walk abt. For Stanley at least. Kexin, i hope you get to drive!! Beks n QX, both bubbly as usual. Yuan ming.. STD Larrr! Andrew, lookd better.. maybe cos u were talking more.. BUT blockd my face!! Wang yi with long hair ar.. Bliss my dear girl, was quiet for a bit but OKAY after gelato intake. My gelato at that.. haha, but i love sharing so NP. Wish more could have come join us ..
Anyway, we met up w more ppl the next day at Holland V. Tho i JUst only manage to get there in time to send Yexin and Fei Fei of into a cab! so sad~~!! ;( As the rest got there, we had... XO mi fen! Will post some of the pics up soon in the next post. Hee hee.. BEKS! post the pic of LEE PENG THE BAKERY GIRL!!
love ya'll! muaks* -su-
xiayang here. how's your a'lvl?
accidentally meet yuanming on line and i got to know this place.
hope you all can get to NUS or NTU.
btw i have a classmate in china called yan dongxu who's coming over to NTU this year.maybe he'll be classmates of some of you.
best wishes for you, i miss you, and don't miss me ah.