Friday, December 09, 2005

Shoutout from KL..

Gosh i'm home and my stuff of 2 years is still in bags and boxes crammed in the back room. So lazy to unpack! Just took out my christmas tree!!
my friend was just bloggin about how 'cheap' goodbyes are nowadays, cause we know just exactly where n how to contact each other, even after saying goodbye.. - thanks to globalisation, seperation is only an SMS/hp cAll/msn msg apart. So, there is really no excuse to NOT keep in touch huh.. and the real barrier that stops us is just our laziness/lack of effort, and i must say.. they are VERY EFFECTIVE BARRIERS. Aint that a tragic?

Guess that, since we no longer have to see each other everyday for classes.. must start making effort lorrr... which is why im blogging here now. [ thanks bliss for starting blog!] and for lazy ppl.. just TAG Laaaaa.. So if few months down the road, should you no longer have any attachment to the term '04s01' and couldnt give a rat's ass.. [ha, or maybe you even have it now..?] Lemme just say.. THANK YOU for being a part of this class..

whether or not you were sleeping, asking me to shut up, refusing to pay up for class fund, minding your own business in class, participating enthusiatically, coming in just long enough to sign on the attendance sheet.. , im sure at some point or another, we must have talked, connected and exchange our point of views... violently or not. In those moments, you leave an impression in my mind and perhaps changed my perception on certain things. In learning more abt the different people around us, we tend to reflect on ourselves and try to .. be a better person?

so yup. let me also apologise to you if i've wronged you in any way, and wish you.. all oF US.. the best in our future endeavours. Sorry for being overly-enthu when i first came in.. [heh, was quite excited.. so embarassing **]

i dont know abt you, but i plan to try to keep in touch with most of you [ doing so with all is impossible..cos there are SLACKERS!]... Nyeeh.. so yeah.. its been fun, thanks. Luv ya'll!

04s01.. DON"T MISS ME AH~~!!

- Su -


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