This Fish Is Going Places
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Piece of thought

Hmm.. Chris, thanks for saving the class blog from the verge of ... you know. Anywhere, the past 3 posts are from you, just couldnt bare to have you continuing this all alone any further. which is why i have post! Yah..
Anywhere, people always say the guys keep complaining about NS - for non stop. It wasnt their fault reali. And i was thinking abt it the other day, how to summarise them - so we can save sometime for other things considering the waste of two years is more than enough in the 1st place. And so i thought, consider the whole of NS is the Universal Set. There are 2 sets in the universal set, P for (Bad things that have happened which results in complain) and P' for (Good things that have happened which worth appraise). Take note: P and P' are mutually exclusive in general but can be subjected to individual variation. So have said that, we can now summarise all the complains by noting P' (all the good things that have happened to the in NS). Afterwhich, take the universal set minus the P' and we get P! =) DONE

Friday, June 01, 2007
Hello People! Where is Everyone?
You know... this is the first holiday I really feel like I am in a holiday! Because it is THREE WHOLE MONTHS LONG! And with that also comes the sick feeling that my brain is going to rot in terms of maths. Gah I better get some math done like one of my Math Society friends who is now in NS and doing my maths homework now.How is everyone doing?? Update here leh... Any juicy bits.... Heh....

Maths in uni is not easy. I realised what those who held overseas scholarships felt about your grades. Staring at my grades for this sem... I so think I am going to die and get kicked out unless I buck up and become a cao mugger again. It's odd that I'm depending on my elective modules to pull my CAP up.
Earlier this year, my friends and I had a charity production in support of the KKH Cleft and Craniofacial Centre. Caught up with Wangyi! Thanks for coming!! Hehe next up is a fun-filled and meaningful Carnival in December! Come support okay!
And hey.... when is our next class outing???????? Now is THE long break! How about... buffet? Calories can burn after eating. Haha don't worry. Have so much holiday time to work out...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Everyone Blogs Nowadays.. You?
Heya people! Shall we update our class blog links? Like add all the people who have blogs? Bagus? If yes, then help get people you know with blogs to tag so they can be added as authors k? =DLove,
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Our "Favourite" Time of the Year
And so the dreaded 'E' word is here once again. Fellow ex-04S01ners and ex-NJCians, chiong ahhhhhh!!! Haha that is if you have been like me, keeping my hands full with everything but work till the very end. Well, hope everyone does well! And don't forget to take youtube breaks! Hang in there! =D
Monday, April 09, 2007
Adding Authors
Yo guys, i m trying to add all of u to e blog so that u all can post on this blog.i hav alr sent out mails. If i hav happened to miss u out from the list, then u r nt invitied.. nono.. haha.. juz kidding, email me n i will invite u to e blog asap.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
BlogTV Talks at NJ
Check out the discussion, episode 15: Back to School Special Part 1 - “I am rude, so what? ” held at NJ =)Wang Yi